Welcome To The Future

Welcome To The Future

I am a science fiction fan. I love experiencing a writer’s vision of the future; taking us from where we are now to where we might be years from now. Some of the most imaginative fiction is now becoming a reality: phone watches, driverless cars, artificial intelligence…. I think that anticipating and envisioning the future guides us forward and helps us embrace the inevitability of change.

As an attorney, I think of estate planning in the very same way: envisioning and planning the future. In my work, I help clients determine what’s important to them and what they want their future to look like for themselves, their children, pets, relatives, and friends. Then, we craft the documents to build and protect that vision of the future. The process of creating your will or trust involves thinking about everyone you love so that your love is expressed now and in the future in a way that creates joy and fulfillment for all.

I meet a lot of people who tell me they need or want to create their will or trust but haven’t gotten around to it. This is common. It’s so easy to delay doing something that is associated with the end of life and the unknown. However, in my world, estate planning is a life-affirming act that creates and secures the future you envision.

I started my own estate planning practice in 2019 so that I could provide affordable, practical advice and service to my clients in a caring and supportive environment that addresses my client’s needs, circumstances and goals. My office is in Torrance, California, but I also work from my home in Redondo Beach where I can spend more time with my husband, my young grandson, and my two dogs.

I hope you will enjoy my blog posts and that they provide you with some information to help you better understand the world of wills, trusts, and estate planning.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. Use of and access to this information does not create an attorney-client relationship between the Law Office of Margaret T. Healy and the user or browser.

Margaret T. Healy is licensed to practice law in the State of California only and maintains offices in the County of Los Angeles. Any and all information published in this blog article is specific to the State of California and may not apply in your state.