Estate Planning During Covid-19, Part 3
Part 3 : The Advance Health Care Directive
If you’ve ever been admitted to a hospital, you’ve been asked if you have an advance health care directive (AHCD). It’s a good idea to have one, but many people haven’t created an AHCD yet. The good news is you can create one easily, right now, for free. Below are a few links to free AHCD forms. There are others available and I don’t endorse any particular one. Your health care provider or insurance carrier may have a form they want you to use.
The forms are similar in that they provide a place for you to describe how you want to be treated or not treated during an illness, and a place for you to designate an agent to speak for you and make decisions during an illness if you cannot speak for yourself. This is a good time to review those items, discuss with family as appropriate, and provide the information so that others will honor your wishes.
The AHCD form requires two witnesses or notarization. Your witnesses cannot be the person or persons you’ve designated as your agent or successor agent, so the notarization method may be your preferred option during the stay-at-home orders. As I posted in Part 1 of this series, notary services are available at shipping and packaging stores, and mobile notaries can provide services under the prescribed health and safety procedures for COVID-19.
I hope this is helpful and I am here to help you navigate this, but please read the disclaimer below.
I wish you and your family health and wellness.
Your Caring House
Your Caring House, Information on Selection of Health Care Agent:
California Courts Fill-in Form
Cal Hospital Association
DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. Use of and access to this information does not create an attorney-client relationship between the Law Office of Margaret T. Healy and the user or browser.
Margaret T. Healy is licensed to practice law in the State of California only and maintains offices in the County of Los Angeles. Any and all information published in this blog article is specific to the State of California and may not apply in your state.